Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More myths on nuclear power

1. It's a nuclear bomb waiting to happen.

People don't realize that in order to make a nuclear bomb, you will need to specifically made it to be a bomb. Nuclear power plant is designed specifically not to be a bomb. People always say what if the nuclear reactor blows up it will become a bomb. Well, even a normal gas power plant will blow up and becomes a bomb if you want it to. But ironically, no one is scared of a gas power plant blowing up. Nuclear power plant are designed to be safer than any other type of power plant. Even with the worst case scenario for a nuclear power plant it would still not blow up but it will melt down.

2. There's not enough uranium for the next 50-100 years.

With more advance reactor being created and used, the fuel efficiency will increase. It means, it will need less fuel to generate the same electricity. With new modern reactors having up to 99.5% efficiency, surely there will be enough uranium to last thousand of years. If you still not convinced, how about using thorium as nuclear fuel. As thorium is as 4 times more abundant than uranium, there is no problem in finding fuel for the reactor. Mind you, we are not going to use nuclear forever and ever. It's for us to buy enough time to develop new energy technology that are sustainable.

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